July Block Lotto — House

For our July block we’re making houses! This pattern is by Amanda Castor, who is a local quilter.

The pattern has both a house and a tree pattern. The unfinished house block size is 5 ½” x 7”—make one or more of them to be included in the drawing. Tree blocks are optional contributions that are welcome but won’t count as a lotto entry.

Follow Material Girl Quilts’ My Town Quilt Blocks tutorial using the following guidelines:
— For the house, door and roof, go wild! Use whatever colors you like. Fussy cuts welcome!
— For the background, use blue in a small scale print or solid. We want the background to represent the sky, so keep that in mind.

As a reminder, these blocks will be turned in at the August meeting and the lotto is open only to current, paid members.